The "Reference and Bibliographic and Information Department" was established in 1954 and renamed the "Reference and Bibliographic Department and Cultural and Mass Work" only a few years later in 1958.
This was necessitated by the need to improve the qualification of library professionals, and the Veliko Tarnovo Library organized a number of seminars, workshops and meetings during this period, through which it disseminated methodological, bibliographical and other documents valuable for the reference and bibliographical and cultural and mass work of libraries.
In 1966, a local history collection was established in the Reference and Bibliographic Department. As a result of which the "Local History" sector was incorporated into the structure of the department, and they began to function jointly under the name of the "Reference-Bibliographical and Local History" Department.
In 1995, the automation of the library's reference and information activities began. To date, the department has an electronic card catalogue, and the information contained therein includes an analytical description of titles deposited, purchased and donated. Annotation and synopsis of articles, research, studies and scientific communications from academic journals, articles and supplements from central periodicals.
The department collects and preserves publications from the reference and bibliographic apparatus - dictionaries, encyclopaedias, various bibliographic indexes, personalities, current and retrospective national bibliographic indexes and other reference publications.
Bibliographical, factual and other references are made through the library's catalogues, card catalogues and reference publications for various information searches.
Part of the specialised services provided by the department is the preparation of bibliographies - book bibliographies, biobibliographies, local history bibliographies or specialised bibliographies.
It prepares oral and written bibliographical references required for coursework, abstracts, theses, dissertations and master's theses. Subject-specific written bibliographical references are chargeable. References may be requested by e-mail or in person at the library.
Participates in the preparation of anniversary newspapers, topical bibliographies, local history publications, brochures and pamphlets.
The Department prepares a Cultural Calendar for the respective year, containing commemorative dates, anniversaries and celebrations of national history, anniversaries of significant personalities from Bulgaria and the world. It works in partnership with other local cultural and information institutions in the city. Organizes and implements joint events and activities.