Regional Library Petko R. Slaveykov

Veliko Tarnovo

  • European teenagers as readers and creators in gender-positive narratives.







The G-BOOK 2 project is a continuation of the project "G-book: books - gender and identity: children's readers and library collections". The project created the first European bibliography on gender identity in the field of children's literature. It is completely innovative and so far no such bibliography has been compiled. The bibliography is characterised by the fact that it includes additional informative documents such as interactive games, thematic trails, reading sheets and more information material:

The follow-up project G-BOOK 2: European teenagers as readers and creators in gender-positive narratives is part of the Creative Europe Programme, Culture sub-programme of the European Commission. By achieving its objectives, the project supports the Creative Europe Programme's priorities to encourage audiovisual, cultural and creative organisations to work across Europe, to attract and reach new reading audiences and to develop the skills needed in the digital age.

By skilfully applying the transnational concept at local level, European cultural and audiovisual works will reach audiences in other countries and contribute to preserving cultural and linguistic diversity.

The transnational mobility of sex-positive teen literature is enhanced by collecting the most relevant works produced in the 6 languages of the consortium (+ German) and integrating them into an already existing transnational online bibliography from G-BOOK 1.

Some of these works existing on the book market will be procured on paper to be included in the collections of the partner libraries.

As the main target audience, teenagers will be involved in the development of the project themes during a transnational school competition that will invest creative writing activities and visual representations through graphic arts, including films and videos;

- Teens will also contribute to creating communication materials by designing a graphic object for G-BOOK 2 - stickers to be distributed during project events.

The publication of the materials will be part of the audience development, as all the works from the students in the international competition will be collected in a final publication of G-BOOK 2. This publication will be translated into all the languages of the project partners and will be accessible to a very wide audience in the European Union.

The main objectives of this project are:

- To support the dissemination of different forms of gender positive teenage literature at EU level;

- to inform and engage the target audience (early teenagers) on gender-related topics in an emancipatory perspective, while developing their creative skills;

These objectives will be achieved through a set of well-structured activities:

- Thematic expansion of the EU's first bibliography on gender positive children's literature to include books for ages - 11-14;

- Linguistic extension of the already established bibliography by including books in German;

- Audience development and awareness raising for secondary school students by:

(a) 6 writing competitions on gender-related topics;
b) Translation of the prize-winning stories into 6 languages;
c) Publication of the winning stories;
d) Creating an international visual narrative of all the awarded stories (1 per country) to encourage artistic expression among teenagers.

The project will be implemented over 24 months, and due to the pandemic of COVID 19, the launch in May will be in the first half of 2012. September 2020. In December of the same year. The transnational workshops at this stage are being implemented online.
The coordinator of the project is the University of Bologna, Italy and the other partners of the Veliko Tarnovo Regional Library are.

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Regional Public Library

Petko R. Slaveykov

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