On 16 April 2024 in the foyer of the RL "P. R. Slaveykov" - Veliko Tarnovo was opened Exhibition of Staiko Nikolov with cartoons from the collection of the Art Gallery "N. Pavlovich", exhibits from the museum "Aleko Konstantinov" - Svishtov
and books from the collection of RL "P. R. Slaveykov - Veliko Tarnovo. The event is dedicated to the Day of the Bulgarian Constitution and the professional holiday of lawyers. The exhibition was opened together with Tanya Likova, Director of the "Nikolai Pavlovich" State Historical Gallery and Ivelina Gabrovska, Director of the "Aleko Konstantinov" Museum. The event was held at the Museum of the History of the History of the History. The occasion for the event is also the celebration of 130 years since the publication of the travelogue "To Chicago and Back" and the presentation of the phototype edition, printed by the publishing house "Abagar" with the financial support of the international foundation "Aleko Konstantinov". Students from the Faculty of Education, led by Associate Professor Georgi Vassilev, performed excerpts from To Chicago and Back. April 16 is the Day of the Bulgarian Constitution and a professional holiday of lawyers in Bulgaria. The day has been celebrated since 1991 on the initiative of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria. On this date in 1879 the Tarnovo Constitution was adopted - the first Bulgarian constitution, which became the legislative basis for the social and economic development of the newly liberated state. The Constitution is the foundation of the legal system. It is the basis for a stable rule of law and the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of every Bulgarian citizen.