On March 26, 2024, at the BBIA General annual reporting and election meeting was elected a new Management Board (2024 - 2026) with the chairman Kalina Ivanova, RL "Petko R. Slaveykov" - Veliko Tarnovo
The following were elected as members of the management board: Valentina Terzieva, GB "Penyo Penev" - Dimitrovgrad; Vanya Grashkina-Mintscheva, NACID; Vassil Zagorov, ULSIT; Elitsa Lozanova-Belcheva, Sofia University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"; Lili Spasova, Executive Agency for Bulgarians Abroad; Luiza Savcheva, NB "St. St. Kyril and Methodius"; Sylvia Naidenova, Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Sylvia Pavlova, Hristo Botev Regional Library - Vratsa; Sonya Parvanova, Community Center Hristo Botev 1898 Library - Rila; Spaska Tarandova, Global Libraries Bulgaria Foundation.